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I believe the power of positive thinking.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Rocky Mountain

I went Rocky Mountain with Winnie, the other Chinese friend( his name is Allen), and my Korean Friend.
We followed the Korean agency even though winnie and Allen are Chinese.
Since we went this trip, Winnie hates Korean....T.T (especially, me...)
That's my fault. This is kind of secret...
Anyways, I had great memory.
First, this trip was my frist time to go travel with my foreigner friend.
So, this memory and pictures are really special and rememberable for me.
But, I don't know what Winnie thinks about that haha
becuase Winnie followed foreigner travel agency, but I didn't transfer very well..
by the way....Thank u and Sorry Winnie...^^;;
Because of this trip, I think me and Winnie could be more closer then before..
here are some pictures^^


  1. ahhh...I love that trip actually..! but..about secret..U just sleeping when I need transfer..hah.~~I am looking forward to go another place to travel with u..!!! Will u still go with me? But Chinese agency..hahh..

  2. You two had so much funs over time. I am so envious I can't even talk. Amazing view from Rocky mountain, wasn't it.
